On January 19th, 2018, Frederick Schrank, Ph.D. and senior author of the Woodcock-Johnson IV Test of Achievement, presented an informational workshop on this test’s use and interpretation. The event was hosted by SCERT and McGill’s School of Applied Child Psychology Program. Summit School’s educational consultants attended the event, along with graduate clinical students, professionals in the field of psychology and members of the McGill Educational and Counselling Psychology department. Dr. Schrank provided an excellent opportunity to interact with the WJIV and receive guidance towards its use from an expert in the field. The event was followed by a wine and cheese, catered by Summit’s very own TECC students. A big thank you goes out to JJ Heffring, the Chef Instructor of the cooking program at TECC!

Use and Interpretation of the Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Achievement
Fredrick A. Schrank, PhD, ABPP
Learn how to use and interpret the Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Achievement from the Senior Author, Dr. Fred Schrank. Dr. Schrank will explain the administration and scoring procedures of Woodcock-Johnson IV achievement battery and will provide expert guidance on how to use and interpret the tests and clusters.