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SCERT Conference 2019!


Updated: Nov 18, 2021

The Summit Center for Education, Research & Training (SCERT) held their inaugural Neurodevelopmental Conditions conference on November 1st. The conference was very well attended by clinicians, researchers, parents, teachers and graduate students interested in learning about important issues affecting individuals with neurodevelopmental conditions.

Keynote and breakout speakers communicated their expertise and insights on a range of topics including strength-based learning styles in autism (Dr Bryna Siegel), self-determination and transitioning into adulthood (Dr Michael Wehmeyer), sleep (Dr Roger Godbout), cognitive assessment (Dr Isabelle Soulières), sexuality (Dr Isabelle Hénault) and family issues (Dr Lucyna Lach) concerning children, adolescent and adults with a neurodevelopmental condition.

The conference successfully led to the development of both personal and professional connections between clinicians, parents, graduate students and educators towards understanding issues affecting youth with challenges. It also highlighted the talents of Summit School students who were integral in making the conference a success by producing the conference program booklets and floral centerpieces (TECC Flora), as well as overseeing some of the conference’s catering (TECC Bistro) and hospitality responsibilities.

A pre-conference event included the screening of Being Rachel, an award-winning sixty-minute documentary (directed by SCERT member JJ Heffring) about exceptional youth attending Summit School putting on a play about their lives. In addition, the conference’s poster session also highlighted research and training projects either completed or presently ongoing at SCERT, ranging from basic neuroscience to skills teaching, to family-oriented issues such as assessing and managing parental stress.

A big thank you to all attendees, especially the graduate students and professors who attended the conference and have conducted research projects at Summit School!

Looking forward to the next conference!





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