This study examined whether a relationship between non-verbal intelligence and cognitive flexibility exists that is specific to adolescents with ASD and lower cognitive abilities (low-functioning), compared to adolescents with Intellectual Developmental Disability (IDD), who also have comparable EF difficulties (Visser, 2015). Specifically, we explored whether there are differences in the relationships between verbal and non-verbal intelligence and cognitive flexibility between groups, and if non-verbal intelligence can predict cognitive flexibility ability in either groups.
Principal Investigator (PI): Julie Oh
Institution & Department: McGill University – Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology
Supervisor: Dr. Armando Bertone
Year(s) collaborated with SCERT on project: 2018 - 2020
Results of Research Project:
Click here to view the poster:
Oh, J., Bertone, A. Non-verbal intelligence is a better predictor of cognitive flexibility in adolescents with autism compared to adolescents with intellectual disability. Poster presented at the annual conference of the International Society for Autism Research (INSAR); 2 May 2019. Montreal, Quebec.
