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Aug 29, 2023
Participation of Children With Autism During COVID-19: The Role of Maternal Participation
The purpose of this study is to describe the participation patterns of school-aged children with ASD, ages 6 to 12, and to ascertain...

Mar 1, 2022
Family Well-Being Project: Transition Study
The goal of the project is to follow mothers of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder across their child’s transition to adulthood...

Feb 1, 2022
Parenting C.A.R.E. for COVID-19: Supporting parents of special needs children
The recent evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to unique changes in the home environment: for example, difficulty balancing work,...

Dec 1, 2021
Training Attention with Neurotracker: A classroom-based approach
The research will set out to further the knowledge on whether NeuroTracker can be used in a classroom setting to improve attention....

Jul 5, 2021
The contribution of child, family and environmental factors in explaining participation
of school-aged children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in home and community. The purpose of this study is to describe the participation...

Jun 30, 2021
A Tablet-based Reading Comprehension Intervention for Preschool Children with ASD
The aim of this project is to evaluate the effects of a novel reading comprehension intervention program for preschoolers with ASD who...

Jan 1, 2021
How do sensory patterns and cognitive flexibility contribute to the repetitive symptoms in ASD?
Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) often exhibit atypical sensory (e.g., superior visual search and noise detection) cognitive...
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